
An effective police chief must focus on transparency with the community

The goal of all community minded police officers should be to make themselves obsolete.

Sgt. Shields talks about the importance of empathy, relationships in hate crime investigations

“We’re a customer service,” Sgt. Dale Waltz said. “We’re out there trying to solve community problems.”
During his tenure as chief, Bowling Green saw a decrease in crime every year, and officers were given Tasers, which lowered the use of force and officer and suspect injuries.
Police Chief Mike Tupper wants residents to feel empowered to go from bystanders to what he calls “upstanders” so crimes and hate incidents don’t go unreported.

Det. Rudy Perez is the Region 9 director of the National Association of School Resource Officers.
FBI Director James Comey's speech at Georgetown University, Feb. 12, 2015

Moses Robinson is a veteran School Resource Officer (SRO) in Rochester, NY who is working to address tensions in his school and in his community. reached out to him to hear more about his work in the community and the steps he's taking to make it

"The hunt was on," prosecutor Megan O'Donnell tells the jury at the trial of seven teens implicated in an anti-immigrant killing.

Thomas J. Spota has tackled some tough cases during his decade in office. Here he talks about the trial of seven teenagers that attracted national attention.

Oscar Garcia, a prosecutor for over 20 years, talks about California’s hate crime law, the challenges in doing this work, and the role law enforcement can play in helping improve underreporting of hate crimes.