Law Enforcement: As part of our ongoing work with the U.S. Department of Justice COPS Office, we invited law enforcement leaders for a webinar in late July. Beyond a few minor technical glitches, it was wonderful to connect and share best practices in our law enforcement cadre including the work of COPS Office Program Analyst Nazmia Alqadi, Marshall County, IA Sheriff Ted Kamatchus and Marshalltown, IA Police Chief Michael Tupper. If you are in law enforcement and would like to participate in the next webinar in October, please contact us at
Community Work: Not In Our Town Executive Producer Patrice O’Neill had nothing but good things to say about her July visit to Billings, MT. She met with former Billings Mayor Chuck Tooley, current Mayor Thomas Hanel, and Police Chief Rich St. John. Patrice and Community Engagement Director Michelle Gahee-Kloss also met with the Sacramento Hate Crimes Task Force in July.

It's been a historic and challenging week. The U.S. Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act, one of the corner stones of civil rights progress. At the same time, the Court handed down a historic decision allowing gay couples to marry in California.
Here's what we've been doing at NIOT.
Executive Producer Patrice O’Neill attended the National Sheriff’s Association Conference in Charlotte, NC last week and heard Sheriff Ted G. Kamatchus, the Sheriff of Marshall County, IA, share the important work of his community’s Not In Our Town campaign. She also moderated an online film screening of Light in the Darkness with KPBS in San Diego. The screening concluded with a discussion with Detective Ellen Vest of the San Diego Sheriff’s Department, San Diego Deputy District Attorney Oscar Garcia, Dr. Danell Scarborough from the San Diego Human Relations Commission, and Chris Saunders from the San Diego Hate Crimes Coalition.