oklahoma | Not in Our Town


Community supports gay politician following assault CREDIT: Advocate.com Oklahoma’s first openly gay state politician is receiving vocal support from his community following an assault which he says was motivated by hate. Jim Roth, a Democrat who served on the Oklahoma Cortwas assaulted outside a bar by three men who called him anti-gay slurs during the attack, according to Policymic.
"This is a community where pain is often ignored or pushed aside. Often times people are told to get on with life. Forget about it. It's in the past," said Chief Egunwale Amuscan, one of the organizers. "We're going to go into this community and let them know that love is the only thing that's real and we're going to show that love for self is the most important aspect." Read more at KJRH   Coverage from KJRH documents the coming-together of the North Tulsa community after the Good Friday shootings that left three residents dead and two wounded, considered the worst crime in the city's modern history.  
Tulsa, Okla. mourns three of its residents after a shooting spree on Good Friday that also left two injured.