Zakk Silveira, lead vocals and guitar player for the UPstanding band, Galvanized Souls, shares his own story about how he was bullied when he was younger and how Colin's story touched his heart. Galvanized Souls' song "Carry On" is an inspiring message to teach those who are victims of bullying that there is hope. All you have to do is carry on!

In honor of National Bullying Prevention Month, Not In Our School has partnered with alternative rock band Galvanized Souls. Southern California is buzzing about the band, not only because of the impressive caliber of their original music, but because they are also a young band that takes a stand. They have produced some of the most powerful music videos to convey the message to their peers to believe in themselves and to carry on.
This National Bullying Prevention Month, Not In Our School & rock band Galvanized Souls teamed up for the Be an UPstander: #LendYourVoice Campaign. Here you will find featured videos, blogs, and anti-bullying activities.
Galvanized Souls is a rock band whose core members are comprised of four young Southern California musicians, whose music is influenced by decades of rock music. While a relatively new band, they have played many shows at high profile venues, fairs, fundraisers and music festivals throughout Southern California.
Having endured bullying themselves, the band members bring awareness and advocate against bullying. They were inspired to write their upcoming original song, “Carry On,” when they heard about an 11-year-old boy named Colin who faced bullying in an extraordinary way. Colin is even featured in the music video.

High school senior created Facebook compliments page to challenge bullying, spread positivityWe hear a lot about cyberbullying, but some students are using social media to encourage others as oppose to bringing them down.Wilson To, a high school senior in Nevada is one of those students. He launched a page called “Atech Compliments” so students could leave anonymous complimentarity messages about members of the student body.For the first year Wilson ran the page without revealing his identity. "A lot of quiet individuals don't think much of what they do, but when they get compliments for things they didn't realize about themselves, it helps to build self-esteem," he explained to The Huffington Post. The project has since become such a hit that Wilson taught administrators how to take over after graduation.

A PSA from KutRoc to prevent bullying and help young people everywhere become UPSTANDERS!
Dear NIOS Friends and Supporters,
Dear NIOS Friends and Supporters,
Summer is here. To celebrate, Not In Our School has joined forces to fight bullying with Kitarah, Maverick, and Mateo, amazing artists from KutRoc Records for the Summer Youth Keep Your Head Up Campaign. Click here for your FREE download of the Keep Your Head Up package!
And please enjoy this very special word from them:

A slow and beautiful melody streams from Robert Bruey’s acoustic guitar as he steps up to the microphone. He clears his throat, and addresses the mourning crowd surrounding him.
“I wrote this song after I heard about this [...] historical inaccuracy,” said the Long Island musician in a somber tone. “Marcelo didn’t run.”
Clear and full of warmth, Bruey’s earthy voice transcends the silence at the vigil held on this biting cold November afternoon.
Robert Bruey performs "Perdoname Hermano" at vigil on November 7, 2010, two years after Marcelo Lucero's death.