Six Simple Solutions to Bullying | Not in Our Town

Six Simple Solutions to Bullying

With Not In Our School, move into action for a safe, accepting and inclusive school.

Six simple solutions:

  1. If you are being bullied: tell them to stop, get away from the situation, and tell a trusted adult.
  2. If you see someone being bullied, be an upstander: Tell the person to stop, get a trusted adult, reach out and be friends.
  3. With your children: Listen and support your children. Work with the school to be sure your child is safe.
  4. In Your School: Learn and help train all adults and youth on how to recognize and respond to bullying.
  5. With Others Who Care: Start a Not In Our School Anti-bullying Club where youth lead in finding solutions.
  6. In Your School and the Entire Community: Create an identity-safe climate where all people are respected.
Start today to address bullying and intolerance with these additional resources from

Stop It On the Spot — Respond — Prevent and Build a Safe Community

Find out more, find films, lesson plans, and tools, and get involved: Not In Our School


 When I was bullied I would tell them to stop but, it never worked. I used to show weakness and that I was scared but, I learned that's what they feed on. If you show weakness then they know your easy to get to. So my suggestion is to ignore them and stand up for yourself! Be strong!

Bullying needs to stop, it has gone on for way to long. Every tme someone things of a way to get rid of bullies they always fing a way around it. I personaly say that bullying is one of the worst things to ever happen to the world. I can not figer out why people would want to bully its such a cruel thing to do to a hummanbeing. IT NEEDS TO STOP, AND STOP NOW! 

Bullying needs to stop NOW! I've been bullied in elementary school, i showed weakness and i never told an adult. I let them push me around and they felt like they were the kings and queens. I never stood up to them, and now i regret it. I should've said something! Stand up for yourself! You won't regret it!

Bullying needs to stop NOW! I've been bullied in elementary school, i showed weakness and i never told an adult. I let them push me around and they felt like they were the kings and queens. I never stood up to them, and now i regret it. I should've said something! Stand up for yourself! You won't regret it!

 "Strong people stand up for themselves. Stronger people stand up for other people."  Become an upstander and don't let bullying continue. I was never bullied throughout my life, but I have seen it, and I also know what victims are going through (thoughts of suicide, dropping grades). Bullying is a virus to our future, and it needs to be healed in order to have a bright future. Stay strong no matter what comes to you, because when in doubt, just know you will have a way out. 

 Every site I go to says the same thing.  Go to a teacher or trusted adult and report the bullying.  Are they joking?  My child is the victim of bullying but every time he has told me about it, the first thing he says is "promise you won't tell the teacher"  Worse than being the "bullied person" is being labeled a snitch or tattletale when you're in middle or high school.

 I have handled some of it by telling my child how to respond to get a desired reaction, for instance:  one kid was constantly trying to grab his nipple through his shirt and twist, the joke at the time was "man boobs"  In this case and even tho you may think it's hateful to say...I told him when he tries to do that, ask the kid loudly if he is gay or something and quit trying to touch him!  This worked and that's all that counts to me.  I'm sorry if any gay person takes offense.  

The next time was about my son accidentally passing gas in class.  The bully brought it up every day.  My son has a great sense of humor and I told him to use that to make the teasing stop.  The next day, he told the kids he didn't fart that that's the sound spiders make when they sneeze and there was a "barking spider" behind him on the wall.  I looked up a few jokes about "farts" that he could make.  The teasing stopped the next day.  

I have also emailed the teacher and principal (to be certain it isn't ignored) when he has been bullied and asked them to not indicate him in any way.  They have been very good at handling the situation without pointing fingers and it does help.  

There should be a class in school that would teach kids how to cope with others.  We have a lot of buiness courses on how to conduct yourself in certain situations.  Why not teach them early?






When I was in Elemetary, I was bullied on, and off school grounds; verbally, mentally, and physically. I will admit, I was beat up on the corner near a stop light, and the paernts and kids in cars who were stopped did nothing. Not even the two girls that were waiting for the walk signal..  So to be young, be bullied so bad, and no adult help was hard... Now, even in High school, bullies rain, but in a way of secrecy so they are not caught. We need to stop bullies while we still can!!!!

no matter how many times they bully you show that its not gonna get you down and you are resilient. Stand up and tell them that they can do whatever they want because they can't hurt you anymore.

how do you feel about hall monitation in schools as a possiball soulition to bullying please reply and please please inform me on what you think all i want is an opionion!!

I believe that there are some great solutions out there, but the most important, I think, is teaching the kids how to stick up for themselves in these situations. It helps add strength to their character as well as gives them more self esteem. Also, teaching the kids to stand up for another adds to this. It helps others recognize that we are all one and adds to the sense of community. My largest concern in that some bullying issues start from home, they are taught by controlling ot bullying parents. So just maybe the kid who is a bully needs to be taught that this is wrong as well as their role models? Maybe there needs to be a class for the parents as well as the children! Life will change when you start being the change you wish to see and empowering each individual to own their own power instead of giving it away to others. 

I was bullied since Headstart, and I got mad when some girls were laughing at me when I started choking, so I started the "Bully Riot"

One more way to stop bullying or at least bring this issue under the limelight would be to conduct surveys in the schools for teachers, parents as well as the students. Ensure that all the correct questions are asked and that they are worded properly. Also, keep this survey anonymous so that the students are comfortable answering the questions and act on the feedback that you receive. There are many survey tools out there that help in conducting such surveys. My colleague conducted one using SoGoSurvey and was very pleased with the results.

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