
October 30, 2009 - 12:00am
Patchogue, NY: In the wake of the murder of Marcelo Lucero and other anti-immigrant violence on Long Island, many community members are using the arts and media to spread messages of hope and unity. Others are using faith-based means to discuss difference, examine questions around immigration, and build inclusive communities.
November 8 marks the one year anniversary of the hate crime killing of Marcelo Lucero in Patchogue, NY. The family of Marcelo Lucero and the people of Patchogue and Suffolk County, NY are planning a series of events.
Next Saturday Nov. 7th a Community Vigil will be held at the site where Marcelo Lucero was brutally slain on Nov. 8, 2008. Marcelo's family will be present. Participants have been asked to wear white t-shirts.

October 23, 2009 - 6:16pm
Not In Our Town was created by and for people in local communities who are finding new and better ways for everyone to feel accepted and welcome.
Unfortunately, many towns and schools were introduced to Not In Our Town because of a hate crime. In the face of these crimes, some inspiring and creative actions have helped build a new sense of community. Other areas have launched local and school-based groups that are taking proactive steps to prevent hate crimes. No matter what sparked the action, we have so much to learn from the steps these people have taken. That¹s why The Working Group created this site.
Here's an overview of how the Not In Our Town site works, and how you can participate:

October 23, 2009 - 5:51pm
Danville, CA: On an historic day when the U.S. Senate passed the Matthew Shepard James Byrd Hate Crime Bill on to President Obama for a signature, we met with a woman who sacrificed so much to see these new protections for gay and transgender people finally codified into law.