Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations volunteers in the Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho July 4, 2007 parade, carrying small billboards honoring civil rights leaders from throughout history.
For many in the anti-hate movement, the lessons that have emerged from Northern Idaho are legendary.
People like Father Bill Wassmuth, whose house was bombed by neo-Nazis in Coeur D'Alene, helped influence many community leaders working to address the dangers of hate.
Prevention and Community Engagement

Not In Our Town: Princeton has been tackling racism since the group was founded in this New Jersey university town more than a decade ago.
Their visible actions appear on the streets, in schools, and in their public library. Three key programs include:
outreach to downtown merchants
ongoing public conversations about racism and privilege
Unity Awards for local students
Princeton is a well-heeled town, home to Princeton University, one of the nation’s premier Ivy League institutions. Just five percent of its 16,000 residents are African American and another five percent are Latino. Racial tensions and socio-economic disparities exist, and that's where this NIOT group has chosen to focus.
The group’s mission statement is “to speak truth about ‘everyday racism’ and other forms of prejudice and discrimination,” and to “promote social justice, economic justice and educational equity for all.”

News Organizations Have Served as Powerful Allies in NIOT Campaigns Across the Country

Communities Send a Visible Message Against Hate and Promoting Diversity and Inclusion
By Brian Lau, NIOT.org

A Rabbi Reflects on the Power of Faith Communities in the Fight Against Hate

How Twin Cities in Illinois Adopted Not In Our Town
By Mike Matejka, Bloomington-Normal Not In Our Town
After Billings, Montana, perhaps no other community has the Not In Our Town history that the twin cities of Bloomington and Normal, Illinois have.