Start a community or school group | Page 2 | Not in Our Town

Start a community or school group

 My name is Angela Bastille and I am a Certified addiction counselor level III and registered psycotherapist. Using The Change Company curriculum "Helping Children Thrive" I am going to offer groups to combat bullying in our middle schools. I currently offer classes for Anger management, DUI, Victim empathy, and substance abuse. My website is 
 Education for students that may or may not be pre-disposed to violence. Providing a safe environment for those battling violence in their home. 
I just want my story to be heard world wide. As Obama said its scary because a lot of teens are now resorting to suicide and that is NOT the answer.
The University and Community Action for Racial Equity (UCARE) is dedicated to helping the University of Virginia and the Charlottesville communities work together to understand the University’s role in slavery, racial segregation, and discrimination and to find ways to address and repair the legacy of those harms, particularly as they relate to present day disparities. To that end, UCARE participants represent a broad cross-section of community members and University students, staff and faculty. We hope that our efforts at working collaboratively across sometimes polarized divides represent positive steps towards truth, understanding, repair and authentic relationship.     Our Mission Statement Listen to and learn from community members who have lived and experienced those legacies. Effectively communicate and raise understanding of this legacy within the University of Virginia as well as impacted communities. Be a catalyst to generate commitment and actions that promote racial justice, equity, and reconciliation.  
 Students banded together to create video that promotes acceptance and tolerence of everyone.  Students havew also suveyed the school and maped the areas in the school where harassment and bullying have been witnessed, After reviewing the data students will plan on interventions that will empower students in the areas where harassment and bullying are present.
My friends and i are trying to put bully and suicide prevention in the public school systems today using my Facebook page name.  Please help and promote my page so i can reach others in different communities so we can once and for all take a stand against bullying.
 We hosted a screening of  Light in the Darkness for our school community and have now begun a NOT IN OUR SCHOOL club with 50plus members!
 each day we must stand tall and sometimes speak and defend those whose voices might be silenced through fear.
 this is my partner and i when we renewed our vows in april.
 Starting a NIOT group.