A 5th grader named Bella decided to wear her traditional ribbon skirt to "Formal Wear Day" at her school in Canada. An educator told her that her skirt was inappropriate and "didn't match." What happened next was a community standing up to support her.

March 9, 2021 - 12:30pm

March 8, 2021 - 12:44pm
Stories from the Not In Our Town network. This week: Shelley Krause is an upstander in her community of Princeton, NJ. Watch her story.

March 5, 2021 - 8:22am
Watch the full video of this NIOT virtual conversation that features methods to communicate effectively and respond quickly to hate incidents. The rise in Anti-Asian hate provided an urgent frame for this discussion for NIOT communities (new and existing) and any community groups standing up to hate. Pardeep Kaleka, Grande Lum, Yamuna Hopwood (Chinese for Affirmative Action) and Kenney Tran (#IAmNotAVirus) talked about the needs of targeted communities and effective responses. Communications strategies were presented by Project Over Zero's Rachel Brown and Samantha Owen.

March 2, 2021 - 8:52am
A high school student and a former mayor join forces to stand up to hate in a suburban New Jersey town founded in 1670. Learn more about Not In Our Town, Chesterfield, NJ.

February 9, 2021 - 8:09am
Actors, activists are sounding the alarm on surging attacks against Asian Americans. Activist Amanda Nguyen, finalist for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize, wants more people to speak out against anti-Asian hate crimes: “Silence erases our humanity. Yet it roars through the head of every Asian American as they step out the door and are afraid... How many more people need to be killed?” Watch a video report on recent hate violence and hear from activists about what you can do to help.