Link TV | Not in Our Town

Link TV

The Not In Our Town movement has spanned more than 15 years and has included the grassroots efforts of communities fighting hate across the country. We've compiled this podcast—available to listen here or to download on your MP3 player—based on our Link TV special that chronicles our history from Billings, Mont. to the launch of in April 2010. From Link TV: Inspired by the story of Billings, Montana, where people took action every time a hate crime occurred, communities across the country are standing up to hate. Through creative and innovative actions, they are making their towns more safe and inclusive for everyone. * Fremont, CA: After a fatal attack, community members send a powerful message of support to their Muslim neighbors. * Kansas City, MO: When an African American teen is set on fire, a group of ministers comes to his aid. * From East Cleveland, OH, to Palo Alto, CA, students address bullying and stereotypes in Not In Our School campaigns.