cops | Not in Our Town


School Resource Officers (SRO) have been criticized in some reports for being responsible for increases in arrests in schools. Associations have been made between the presence of school-based law enforcement and increased student arrests and referrals to juvenile court for school discipline issues—often for public order offenses, such as willful defiance, disorderly conduct, or disrupting the educational process. While there have been some instances of increased arrests in schools in the United States, other school-community partnerships are seeing opposite results—SROs helping to divert students from involvement with the justice system.
The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department has been taking an innovative approach to addressing hate crimes by combining community policing, education, and media.
By Michelle Gahee Kloss, J.D.,  NIOT Director of Community Engagement Not In Our Town works extensively with law enforcement agencies all over the country, providing support to police chiefs, sheriffs, and officers through our films and educational resources. Protesters hold candles during a peaceful demonstration, as communities react to the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO. Source.