contact | Not in Our Town


Have a question for us, or want to learn more about Not In Our School (NIOS)?   If you want to schedule a workshop, access resources, ask about the NIOS Video Action Kit, or get some advice about starting NIOS in your school? Here's how to get in touch: Email Not In Our School at:  info [at] niot [dot] org Other ways to get in touch:  The Working Group / Not In Our Town P.O. Box 70232 Oakland, CA 94612 Phone: (510) 268-9675 ext 305 Fax: (510) 268-3606 Join the NIOS Facebook Education Group: For updates, information, and/or to hear what others are doing with NIOS, go to the Not In Our School Facebook Group and submit a request to join. We welcome the voices of youth and adults to engage in dialogue about education and ways to prevent and respond to bullying, hate and intolerance. If you or someone you know is being bullied or harassed and needs immediate support: