Video Games & Violence | Not in Our Town Video Games & Violence

This is Part 3 in a three-part series featuring content from Variety magazine's special issue on Violence & Entertainment, which encourages a variety of voices to speak up and address possible solutions to this national problem. See Part 1 and Part 2. Violence and Video Games Do videogames inspire violent behavior? Absolutely not, says developer

Randy Patchford

I am very fortunate. I am a videogame developer. I explore and create entertainment in our species’ newest medium — an interactive medium. This medium uses technology that allows people to simulate and experience a wide spectrum of ideas. The success of the medium has led to the proliferation of content covering an incredible spectrum of concepts and themes that grows with more and more diversity and quality every day...
 Our species becomes better, stronger and less violent through the thoughtful examination of violence and its consequences. Media is a great, safe place for us to transmit experience and understanding about the potential for violence, and understanding leads to positive results and mitigation of negative events.

Randy Patchford is a videogame developer for Gearbox Software. Read the full interview here
Videogames as 'murder simulators'
Dave GrossmanResearch on the background of our juvenile mass murderers show they have one thing in common: They all dropped out of life and filled their lives with nothing but violent movies and violent videogames. The sickest videogames and the sickest movies are very, very sick indeed. And the sick, sick kids who immerse themselves in this “entertainment” are very sick indeed.
The Sandy Hook massacre has been building for years. And there is much, much worse yet to come. They are not shootings, they are massacres.

Dave Grossman is the author of 'On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society' and 'Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill'. Read the full article here

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