Ferguson 2.0: NIOT Group in Bowling Green, OH Hosts Discussion Series | Not in Our Town

Ferguson 2.0: NIOT Group in Bowling Green, OH Hosts Discussion Series

The Not In Our Town group in Bowling Green, OH swiftly responded to the Grand Jury's decision to not indict Officer Darren Wilson for the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO. Here's what the NIOT Committee had to say to its university and town network.

Not In Our Town Bowling Green Ohio The events from Ferguson have touched all of us in some manner. We understand that for many in our community, this is a difficult decision and there is a lot of frustration, pain and anger.  We also understand that for others in the community, this was the right decision. In our town and on our campus, we believe all opinions can and should be expressed freely and peacefully.

NIOT BG is here to work closely with both Bowling Green State University and the City of Bowling Green. We are not here to pass judgment, but rather to ensure that we can come together as a community to address the issues brought up by the events in Ferguson.

In the end, the goal is:  how can we continue to develop and build positive relationships amid our diversity so that such events are more and more unlikely “in our town"? In order to do this, we need to be coming together and engaging in honest and open dialogue.

NIOT BG wants to promote avenues for all members of the community to come together to talk about the issues raised in Ferguson. We understand that efforts are currently underway in different circles to bring the community together both locally and in the surrounding region.

Upcoming events include a continuing Discussion and Dialogue Series, sponsored by Access Diversity and Inclusion Programs during the first week of December, with local student groups.

Learn more about Not In Our Town Bowling Green's proactive approach and history here.


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