Collaboration: Not In Our Town and DOJ's Community Oriented Policing Services | Not in Our Town

Collaboration: Not In Our Town and DOJ's Community Oriented Policing Services

Not In Our Town's partnership with the Department of Justice's Community Oriented Policing Services was featured in the Funding Attraction's article, "Collaborate, Cooperate, Innovate." The article begins:

"Increasingly, federal agencies are stressing partnerships and collaborative approaches, not only in their calls for funding proposals, but also in terms of how some of its programs are administered. ... From a practical stance, in an environment where more groups are fighting for fewer resources, it makes sense. Why not leverage the expertise and resources of multiple organizations, agencies and people to make projects as strong as possible and give them the tools to succeed?"

Zoning in on the NIOT-COPS collaboration, the articles states how "the COPS office is partnering with local communities and an anti-hate crime movement called Not In Our Town" and "plans to leverage the Sept. 21 broadcast of the documentary to launch a multiyear campaign promoting safe communities and highlighting ways that local law enforcement and communities can work together."

The COPS office campaign kicks off this week—along with many of our other national and public media partners. It was through the COPS office, for example, that Redlands, Calif. Police Lt. Travis Martinez learned about the opportunity to spark a local gathering in his town

For more information on the film, visit the Light in the Darkness page. You can also find a screening near you or host one in your town. Not In Our Town offers numerous resources to help make your screening successful.

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