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January 29, 2013 - 12:46pm
"In the long history of our country's constant search for justice, some names of ordinary citizens stand for millions of souls. Plessy, Brown, Parks ... to that distinguished list, today we add the name of Fred Korematsu."- President Bill Clinton, in his remarks before bestowing Korematsu with the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1998Fred Korematsu’s legal case against the United States government for its internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II was stopped cold by the Supreme Court in 1944. But his fight against intolerance, and his legacy as a champion of civil rights, would last for the rest of his life.
January 28, 2013 - 1:59pm
A Movement to End Bullying, Hate, and Intolerance February 28, 2013     8:30 am - 3:30 pm Hayward Unified School District Office 24411 Amador Street, Hayward, CA   Co-Presenters: Becki Cohn-Vargas   Director, Not In Our School   Lynn Bravewomon  Coordinator, Hayward USD Safe and Inclusive Schools Program
January 25, 2013 - 2:43pm
Above: The building targeted with hate speech at UC Berkeley, from Berkleyside. Below: UCLA, from KPCC.
January 22, 2013 - 4:43pm
The Not In Our Town production crew just returned from Oak Creek, Wisconsin, where we experienced one of the most moving stories we've followed. Oak Creek residents are standing up for each other, providing a powerful example of a community coming together after a devastating hate crime took the lives of six members of the Sikh community in August 2012. 
January 18, 2013 - 5:02pm
 “Make Me Asian” App Pulled From Google Apps A Washington, D.C. pastor said he was pleased this week after Google pulled an app called “Make Me Asian,” which had been available for its smart phone users. Pastor Peter Chin started the petition on this month to have the app removed, and almost 8,500 people responded in just a few weeks. "I am deeply thankful to those who realized the danger of these stereotypes entering the mainstream and spoke out against this app," Chin said to NPR. "But I am also appreciative of Google, who listened to our concerns and acted accordingly."