Not On Our Campus: 5 Ways to Move into Action | Not in Our Town

Not On Our Campus: 5 Ways to Move into Action

Hate, Bullying and Intolerance: Not On Our Campus
Five Ways to Move into Action

NOOC logo, not on our campus, NIOS, not in our school, bullying, college, university, hate, intolerance, hazingNot On Our Campus (NOOC) offers solutions-based strategies and tools for change to a network of colleges and universities working to create welcoming and inclusive climates.  Change begins with these five steps. Go to to find out what others campuses have done.  

1. Recognize and respond. Challenge all members of the campus community to recognize hate and bullying and take it seriously. Respond swiftly to incidents and daily harassment in dormitories, classrooms, sporting events, and throughout the campus.
2. Initiate open dialogue about bullying, racism, anti-gay bigotry, gender bias and intolerance on campus.  Find out who is being targeted.
  • Provide opportunities for students to discuss issues affecting them.
  • Get student government and other campus organizations involved in organizing anti-hate/ intolerance forums to address and resolve problems.  
3. Encourage students to stand up in the face of hate instead of standing by. Upstanders are people who stand up for themselves and others.
  • Model ways to intervene and speak up and reject negative attacks or social media posts.
  • Listen, pay attention and offer support to students in crisis.
  • Organize flash mobs to resist.
4. Foster safe and welcoming environments that promote inclusion and acceptance where students feel everyone is respected and their identity is valued.
  • Create response teams or hotlines so bias and bully victims can come forward.
  • Stop hate at home.
5. Take joint action to challenge your campus to promote safety respect and inclusion.
  • Create a pledge to stop hate and bullying.
  • Organize a NIOT Film Festival followed by open discussion of local issues
  • Sponsor NOOC Week with buttons, banners, slogans, T-shirts and campus-wide activities. 
  • Share stories on so one campus can learn from another.

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